Help & Tutorials - HTML Editor Topics
Answers to questions about our HTML Editor
- HTML Editor FAQ's
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HTML Editor FAQ's
What is the Easy WebContent HTML Editor for?
Easy WebContent HTML Editor is an innovative online web editing service that allows you to easily maintain your website from any computer directly from your browser. There are no downloads, costly programs or technical skills needed to use Easy WebContent. The HTML Editor is designed to work with existing websites and works with virtually any site built on the standard HTML technology.
If you wish to build a new website and not edit an existing website we recommend you use the Site Builder.
Do I need to have web design knowledge to use Easy WebContent HTML Editor to edit my site?
No you do not. HTML Editor is designed with the novice user in mind. It is easy as 1, 2, 3. Login, edit and publish. Easy WebContent is quite simple and straight forward. You can start using the system by following the simple instructions given in the short demo and help section when you login.Additionally, the user-friendly interface allows you to locate tools easily and the various help icons and tips will give you further assistance. If you still have any questions, we will provide complete support.
How is Easy WebContent different from software such as Front Page & Dreamweaver?
Front Page and Dreamweaver are great web site builder applications, but more suitable for web designers and developers for creating web sites from scratch.
Easy WebContent was designed with one goal in mind: To allow website owners to quickly and easily access their web pages and make content updates anytime, anywhere and without the need for installation. It also provides scalability allowing you to add more features to your web site anytime directly from the system.
For the site owner who has an existing web site and wants to apply quick and easy content updates to their website, Easy WebContent provides rich WYSIWYG without the need for installation or understanding of coding. You can learn more about edit existing website.
How quickly can I sign-up and start using Easy WebContent?
Signing up takes only a few moments to complete and you can receive your email welcome letter in just a few minutes. Once you receive this email, you can login and start accessing your account. Click here to sign-up for a free trial!
Do I need any special setup or installation for my website to use HTML Editor?
No! You do not need to install anything to your website or web hosting account. The Easy WebContent system and web browser handle all necessary components. In the case of dynamic websites (such as PHP/ASP based web pages) minor updates to page tags may be needed to allow editing).
Does it work with new and existing websites?
Both. Easy WebContent allows you to access, edit and integrate new features and content to virtually any website hosted anywhere. If you wish to create a new web site, our Site Builder will be a great solution for you.
Do I have to host with you to use HTML Editor?
No. You do not have to host with us to use the HTML Editor. You can stay with your existing host. You just need have the FTP access to your web site which allows our system to connect to your site.
Who can access my web site from the Easy WebContent system?
Each user is required to login using their own unique username and password they have selected. This is the only way to access your website with Easy WebContent. As with any login information, keep your Easy WebContent login private and avoid sharing with external parties whom you do not want to access your account.
In addition, the system keeps track of your login dates and duration of use, which you can access anytime from your login area.
How much does it cost?
Multiple plans are available. You can get individual plans starting as low as a few pennies per day, or save big with Easy WebContent (Complete) at under $20 per month. A Full Trial offer is available so you can try the system before commiting to a subscription fee.
What if I accidentally make mistake on my webpage and want to revert back to my prior version?
Not to worry! Every time you save a page with our HTML Editor the system will:
- Create a back-up of the original version the very first time you save your webpage.
- And create up to 10 restore points of your web page. So you can at anytime restore back to a previous version.
What if I delete a page by accident?
Not to worry! Although you have the ability to delete page(s); our system will warn you ahead of time to make sure you want to delete your page. An in case you still delete the page, our system creates a Recycle Bin in your hosting account and stores copy of the files in that bucket. So you can still access your Recycle Bin via the top right of your File Manager. You can locate your file and system will restore it back to its original location.
I already have web hosting. Why should I use Easy WebContent?
There is more than one reason. If you already have web hosting you can use Easy WebContent to edit your website's content with ease and add new features to your site. In addition, you may want to seriously consider taking advantage of our Easy WebContent (Complete) plan, which includes a full-blown web hosting account as part of the package. Furthermore, our hosting staff will migrate your website data for you at no charge.
What is FTP?
(File Transfer Protocol) FTP is to login to another Internet Site for the purposes of retreiving and/or sending files, a method of moving files between two locations. If you do not know your website's FTP information you can acquire it from your web An example of a site's FTP information includes a FTP Host, username, password and a root folder:
Username: something
Password: SomePassword
Root Folder: public_html
I do not have FTP access for my hosting account; what do I do?
FTP is a standard access provided by virtually all web hosts. Simply contact your web hosting company and ask for the access. If you are the owner of your website and paying hosting fee, you have the right to access your web site FTP.
Without FTP access you won't be able to connect to your website (via our system or any other). If you are still unable to get access to your web site, you may want to seriously consider trying our Site Builder.
How many sites can I edit?
You can add as many licenses as you like within your account. Each license allows you to connect to one web site. You can start with just one site and add more over time if your needs grow.
Are the changes automatically saved to my website?
Yes. Once you have saved your web page changes from the editor and the editor confirms the changes have been saved, it will be live on your web site within seconds.
Note: After you save a page to see the latest version of your web page you may need to refresh your browser cache. Open a new browser and visit the page you recently saved; Make sure to fully refresh your browser cache (Shift + Refresh) so it will retrieve the most updated version from your website.
What about images and Photos?
Easy WebContent allows you to effortlessly upload and access files within your hosting account including images. Quickly upload new images, insert images within your web pages, edit and optimize images and create cool interactive web galleries to add to your website or blog.
Does Easy WebContent support cut and paste from external programs?
Yes! You can practically copy/paste content from any standard program including Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Microsoft Excel and Note Pad.
The system allows you to choose the type of program you are pasting from to clean up code for HTML and/or preserve pasted content.
What else can the HTML Editor do for me?
Easy WebContent HTML Editor initially started as a simple content editor but has since evolved into a full-blown website management system. With over 70 editing features, EWC allows you to totally manage your website content, edit/optimize your images, add widgets to your pages and even take advantage of our web hosting services, included with your account with Easy WebContent (Complete).
HTML-Editor is a WYSIWYG Editor; What does it mean?
Pronounced WIZ-zee-wig. Short for what you see is what you get. An application that enables you to see on the display screen exactly what will appear on a document when printed. WYSIWYG is especially popular for desktop publishing
I run a web hosting / web design agency; Can I let my clients use this tool?
Absolutely! You can offer Easy WebContent to your clients. Click here for more information.
We will of course be ready to help you out if you still need support.